Heidegger, Marcuse and the Critical Theory of Technology
My first use of the blog was to make available a syllabus for a course I taught online at the Global Center for Advanced Studies, a center founded by Creston Davis, which at the time was solely online, but that in the meantime offers degrees in coordination with AMEU in Europe. For more on GCAS see: https://globalcenterforadvancedstudies.org/
The course featured various scholars from the board of the Humanities and Technology Association (HTA) as well as Andrew Feenberg as a guest speaker. These were a succinct and very compelling set of lectures offering a solid introduction to the philosophy of technology as relevant to critical theory.
I received good news recently that the first steps have been taken to make possible the publication of the lectures from this course in a GCAS series with Columbia University Press. I will follow with updates as I get more information.
Syllabus for the GCAS course: Heidegger, Marcuse and the Critical Theory of Technology