Heraclitus, Fragment 93 (D 88)HeraclitusJune 26, 2018/by Darrell ArnoldRETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS "There is the same within, what is living and what is dead, what is awake and what is sleeping, and... /Read Full Story
Heraclitus, Fragment 92 (D 62)HeraclitusJune 23, 2018/by Darrell ArnoldRETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS "Immortals are mortal, mortals are immortal, living the others' death, being dead in the others' life." (S 62; Cp. R... /Read Full Story
Heraclitus, Fragment 91 (D 75)HeraclitusJune 21, 2018/by Darrell ArnoldRETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS (S 72; cp. R 72, and K 91) This fragment is related by Marcus Aurelius, who states, "Heraclitus says, I... /Read Full Story
Heraclitus, Fragment 90 (D 26)HeraclitusJune 20, 2018/by Darrell ArnoldRETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS "A person in (the) night kindles a light for himself, since his vision has been extinguished. In his sleep he... /Read Full Story
Heraclitus, Fragment 89 (D 21)HeraclitusJune 20, 2018/by Darrell ArnoldRETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS "Death is what we see when awake, but sleep is what we see when sleeping." (S 21; Cp. R 21,... /Read Full Story