Philosophy And Society


This homepage is primarily devoted to blog posts on issues in philosophy (found under the “Writings” header above). My research focus is on social and political thought, especially as related to issues in technology and the environment. But my interests are broad. Posts here, which I’ve been adding since 2017, focus on issues of philosophy and society but also reflect my varying interests in the discipline of philosophy. One of my early blogging projects focussed on the fragments of Heraclitus. The first draft results of that project are found under the “Heraclitus” link. I’m also using the blog to work on two introductory books related to my standard teaching loads. One is a short history of philosophy. The other is an ethics text. The blogs feeding into those projects are found here under the general heading of projects “in progress.”

In addition to these blog posts, mostly related to my professional work, for about the past year and a half my wife (Sarah Jacob) and I have been running a weekly community philosophy forum. Sarah is also a professional philosopher. We have been overseeing this community philosophy forum in the spirit of Christopher Phillip’s “Socrates’ Cafe” to foster philosophical thinking in the broader community. Our forum meetings started as monthly events at the Luna Star Cafe in North Miami, FL. But with the arrival of the covid virus, we moved them to an online forum, via zoom. For nine months now we have now had weekly meetings with a very insightful group of individuals who are philosophically interested and supremely engaging. I will soon add more information highlighting the value of community philosophy and some of the ideas shared in our group.

This site also highlights some of my publications and other philosophical work (videos related to some of it, etc.). The small bit of video content now available can be found under “About.” Below here, you will find my most recent blog postings to this site. To search the entire archive, click under “Writings.”

Finally, since July 2020 I’ve been doing weekly podcasts with Ralph Ventura, a Miami-based lawyer. Those deal with current events more than philosophy. But I’m trying to bring my background in ethics and social theory to bear in the analysis. A link to those podcasts is below but also in navigation bar above.

Please contact me if you have any questions. Or leave a comment on a blog post.

Weekly Podcast

The Raven Speaks

Weekly musings on politics, philosophy, law, and generally how to live in and structure a good society.